
Interview with WTAF / WTAFとのインタービュー / WT非洲專訪

#Worktecht_figure #Worktecht_AF

Worktecht Africa is based in Tanzania. This time, we will discover African

lighting design business by interviewing the director of Worltecht Africa,

Ms Katrine Riekstina and designer Ms Hannan.

🙋‍♀️Q: How is the lighting design situation in Africa?
💁‍♂️A: African countries are undergoing a fast economic growth. Here we have the prospective market to develop our business. For now, many projects focus on the facade lighting because the companies are eager to foster their corporate image. Their requests for facade lighting are vivid, colorful, stylish, and unique enough to catch attention. This is truly a transformative timing for a city in terms of its urban landscape, culture, and society as a whole.

🙋‍♀️Q: Where are your main clients from?
💁‍♂️A: Our clients are local business people and those who have international experiences and be back to their home country to establish their business here. And some clients associate to us for upgrading their space quality where did not take lighting design into account initially.

🙋‍♀️Q: How do you approach your clients if they don’t know about lighting design?
💁‍♂️A: For those who have international experiences desire the kind of international style of design based on the city images such as Hong Kong. We can discuss with them to some degree. While for another kind of clients who hold very limited knowledge of design, we would actively provide our design suggestions and knowledge as much as possible.

🙋‍♀️Q: What is the most challenging thing about doing lighting design in Africa?
💁‍♂️A: Design itself is not the most difficult thing but the NEGOTIATION. There is no project manager sometimes so the work scope could be confused and we need to spend much time communicating with relative practitioners, patiently re-organizing works many times and solving the constantly pop-out problems.

🙋‍♀️Q: How do you think about the design potential in Africa?
💁‍♂️A: As the mentioned above, Africa is growing and there are many opportunities indeed. Businesses are building or refreshing up their brand images. Their concerns are mostly cost-efficiency and energy-saving. Lighting has this great potential to benefit the business in this way since the post operation is continuing on the daily basis. The functionality is our strength that makes lighting different from other kinds of design. We are looking forward to our future work
#Worktecht_figure #Worktecht_AF

ワークテクト・アフリカはタンザニアにあります。今回は、ワークテクト・アフリカのディレクター、Katrine RiekstinaさんとデザイナーMs Hannanに、アフリカの照明デザイン事業について、インタビューしました。






#Worktecht_figure #Worktecht_AF

沃克太照明設計非洲總部設在坦桑尼亞。這一次,我們將通過訪問沃克太照明設計非洲公司的總監Katrine Riekstina女士和設計師Hannan女士來了解目前非洲照明設計。


💁‍♂️答:我們的客戶是當地的商業人士和有國際經驗的人士,後來回到祖國在這裡開創自己業務。還有一些客戶因為在設計空間的當時, 並沒有將照明設計納入考量, 以至於整體空間與照明無法融合. 為了提升與改善既有空間的質感, 於是與我們聯絡, 希望能夠藉由設計燈光來解決問題.

💁‍♂️答:對於那些有國際經驗的客戶來說,大部分會希望以香港這樣的城市形象為基礎來做燈光設計. 針對這樣的客戶們, 在某種程度上我們可以與他們討論有關設計的概念。而對設計沒有概念的客戶,我們則是盡可能的提供設計建議和有用的知識。


💁‍♂️答:如上所述,非洲正在發展,確實有很多機會。企業最感興趣的是如何建立或刷新自己的品牌形象。他們主要擔心的大多是成本效益和節能省碳。因為置身於隨時隨地都在發展進步中的非洲, 我們也常常可以感到照明設計的無限潛力。與一般的設計不同的是, 照明設計十分重視機能且具有實際效用, 這同時也是照明設計的強項. 對於未來, 我們抱有十分大的信心與期望
