Tatsuro Ozaki

尾﨑 達郎

Office administrator


With his professional experience for stage lighting, Ozaki came to WORKTECHT & Co. to assume the position of an office administrator to cover multiple areas such as accounting, general affairs, executive management, and HR management. He supports management of the company through discussions with lawyers, tax accountants and banks. Ozaki feels rewarding most when he tries to find a path to a successful solution to any challenge he encounters. He attentively communicates with others being in their shoes, which is one of his strongest traits. Ozaki always tries to find challenges for himself and is determined to improve the operational efficiency and expand the capacity of the organization.

曾在舞台照明領域工作過的Ozaki在加入WORKTECHT & Co.負責公司內部的管理經營. 一般日常的工作內容包括與律師, 司法書士還有銀行, 進行各項協調, 是企業經營中不可或缺的一環. 當他遇到困難或者是新的挑戰, 找出最好的解決方法就是他感到成就的方式. 以對方的立場為出發做深度的溝通是他的優點. 他也希望在盡自己的努力使業務的行進方式更有效率的同時也能不忘記對於迎接挑戰時的心情.


Art WOrk
